Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Rules and Announcements
'Need to know' info about RAT
145 1,838 Signature
11-01-2021, 09:19 AM
by Praefectusclassis
Round Table
General information about RAT, introductions and rules for posting.
432 9,029 Hi everybody
03-09-2025, 04:37 PM
by Robert Vermaat
Romanarmy.com Projects
Information about Romanarmy.com, request for help and suggestions for improvement.
Sub Forums:
Helmet Database,
151 2,202 Advice please! Importing ...
01-16-2024, 03:57 PM
by MarkNotAnthony

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Roman Military History & Archaeology
Open-minded discussion about topics relating to the Roman army. Research and reference to sources is encouraged!
6,119 84,709 Calling all armchair gene...
Yesterday, 08:24 AM
by John1
Greek Military History & Archaeology
Discussion related to Greek and Hellenistic armies and their contemporary enemies. Reference to primary and secondary research sources is encouraged.
1,474 26,044 Hoplite training and tact...
11-24-2024, 08:51 PM
by Aldarion
Allies & Enemies of Rome
Open-minded discussion about topics relating to the armies of the Allies and Enemies of Rome. Research and reference to sources is encouraged!
885 14,270 Need help: Was my ancesto...
02-07-2025, 01:28 PM
by Andy Blackard
Ancient Combat Sports
History and archaeology of all things gladiatorial.
370 3,171 Good news: Junkelmann's b...
10-02-2024, 12:07 PM
by Andreas Schwohnke
Ancient Civ Talk
Government, legislation, and justice system. Economy and trade, technology and engineering, society and culture, domestic and foreign policy.
Sub Forums:
1,615 12,489 Roman cellar
01-21-2025, 01:41 AM
by Trexmaster
References & Reviews
Share opinions about books and articles you've read. Recommend references and resources for further research.
Sub Forums:
'Book club'
2,179 16,549 Bibliotheca Augustana (Au...
03-11-2025, 03:40 PM
by Praefectusclassis

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Roman Re-Enactment & Reconstruction
Recreating the ancient Rome's armies and civilians: living history events and re-enactor groups.
Sub Forums:
Hasta Pura,
Beginners section
4,845 73,421 starting from scratch
03-09-2025, 11:04 AM
by Robert Vermaat
Greek Re-Enactment & Reconstruction
Recreating the ancient Greek armies and civilians: living history events and re-enactor groups
308 5,313 First try at a Xiphos
10-03-2024, 01:41 PM
by Man with a plan
Buy, sell, trade for books, military equipment, clothing, and more. Discuss suppliers and opinions of goods quality.
Sub Forums:
For Sale,
Wanted!, and 4 more.
- -
Have an event coming up? Announce it here!
865 8,560 APPIA HIC ET NUNC II 2025
02-12-2025, 02:00 PM
by Praefectusclassis
Dis Manibus
For the commemoration of those who are with the gods of the Underworld
118 682 Manfred Clauss (1945-2025...
01-30-2025, 08:37 PM
by Praefectusclassis

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Gaming & Modelling
Discuss all kinds of Roman historical wargaming -- board, computer, and miniatures. Talk about modelling ancient warfare in 2D and 3D media.
Sub Forums:
RAT RTW Tournament
651 6,172 Roman RPG Game
01-13-2025, 12:51 AM
by Iraklitos
Ancient Warfare magazine
Discuss the latest issue, artwork, or join the debate about the podcast and suggest questions for Ancient Warfare Answers
1 1 AWA Questions?
09-22-2021, 08:56 AM
by Praefectusclassis
Anything and everything not about ancient warfare or history.
3,325 41,368 Alas! Hollywood Los Angel...
01-11-2025, 12:36 PM

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